Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Off to School we GO!

Well well....we have offically started our nursing classes...My friend Alana and I started class last week and we are already having a HUGE test this week! How fun? We are already getting the feeling of how hard this is going to be but we know GOD is good and HE will see us through....We have several more weeks of classes then we will be eligible for our certification...Stay tuned as we travel this journey!

On another note I have a new JOB! I am working at Franklin Covey at the Summit now and loving it! And of course in the midst of allllllllllll of these changes I am still homeschooling....I have an awesome 'friend' that is helping me with the kids and I know I could not make it without her!


Lacie-n-Kadensmom said...

hooray! you can do it!!!

Melody said...

Go girls!!! Both of you will be great nurses! I'm so proud for you!

Anonymous said...

WAHOOOOOOOOOOO! Off to school we go!